Personal Injury Reforms in Ireland- An Update

Proposed reforms to the PIAB (Personal Injuries Assessment Board) came into force in Ireland on 4th September 2023.

The PIAB is Ireland’s independent State body which assesses personal injury compensation. The aim is to retain claims within the organisation and avoid lengthy and expensive litigation when the claim falls out of the PIAB.

The changes are part of the Personal Injuries Resolution Board Act 2022 which was aimed at reducing the cost of personal injuries claims and allowing settlement at an earlier stage where possible. It is also aimed to encourage all parties to use the service which is much cheaper than proceeding via litigation.

The most recent changes require anyone making a claim to provide a medical report which is to be submitted with appropriate identification along with a detailed accident description.

The aim of this is to further reduce the length of the claim and to prevent identity fraud.

This follows the initial measures already in force which permits the PIAB to deal with psychological injuries, to allow the PIAB to keep claims for a further two years where there is a long prognosis and stricter cost implications for a claimant who does not accept a PIAB assessment.

Further changes are to come into force in 2023 which includes a mediation service and a renaming of the PIAB to the Personal Injuries Resolution Board
